Enteritis In Dogs

Overview of Enteritis in dogs

Canine Enteritis is an infection of the small intestine in dogs. It is caused by various kind of potential problems. Allergies, bacterias, parasites or viruses can all ignite the small intestines the wrong way in our furry friends. Canine Enteritis or CE is mainly caused by the condition of diarrhea. The digestive tract can have certain kind of obstruction which can also trigger enteritis.

Canine at Risks

All breed of dogs is predisposed to the condition. Though certain races with previous health connections related to the small intestines are also an easy victim of the condition.


1.Sudden abdominal pain

2.Other common issues of the stomach

3.Frequent episodes of vomiting

4.Recurrent fever

5.Melanic feces

6.Sudden weight loss


There are various causes of the condition. To be sure of the condition, the vet may ask certain things:

1.About the symptoms, the dog is having

2.Recent travel history of the family

3.About recent or sudden exposure to probably infected dogs, in places such as the parks, etc.

4.If the dog is having unsupervised access to the  yard

5.If the dog is kept unleashed while walking

6.If the dog has recently eaten any foreign objects such as the  Christmas ornament

7.If the dog has eaten from the garbage

8.A sudden change in the dog’s diet

Major Diagnosis

If the vet concludes the presence of enteritis, he may suggest the following recommendations:

1.Chemistry tests to see the condition of the liver, kidney, and pancreas, and to evaluate the sugar levels

2.A complete blood count to overrule the possibilities of other conditions

3.Electrolyte tests to rule out the possibility of dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance

4.Few X-ray exams  of the intestinal tract and the abdomen to rule out the possibilities of obstructions

5.An ultrasound test to check out the integrity of the animal’s digestive tract

6.An endoscopy to check the intestinal tract

7.Some specific tests to chuck out possibilities of viral infections, such as Parvovirus

8.Fecal tests to check out the possibility of fecal parasites

9.Some other tests such as the cultures and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing


Frequent vaccinations can prevent the pet from some of the viral causes of enteritis, such as parvovirus and distemper. Some of the best options to keep the dog healthy will be to watch out whatever it eats. The owner has to make sure that the dog is parasite free. Owners can use monthly preventatives, as well as submit its fecal samples to the vet frequently. The owner has to keep the dog away from trashes. Some other unfamiliar items, like the people food, and restricting contact with probable sick dogs in public places.

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