Although it can live in an apartment, it needs to go out for playing and training regularly. An hour's walk, jogging or play sessions with toys regularly will be enough. The ideal place for their activities would be an open space, like a medium sized yard with fences.
The grooming needs of a Boxerdoodle depend on the coat it has. If the hairs are curly, then frequent brushing and clipping will be required. If the coating resembles that of a Boxer, then brushing once or twice a week will be sufficient. This breed is prone to skin problems to use high-quality products made for dogs only and bathe them only when necessary. Use the right tools while clipping the nails or get it done by a professional. Its teeth should be cleaned a couple of times every week and once a week the ears should be checked and wiped.
Health Problems
They are relatively healthy than other breeds and are resistant to genetic diseases. Common problems include allergic reactions, skin infections, PRA, epilepsy and hip dysplasia.
Boxerdoodle is an intelligent dog and easily trainable. The owner must establish themselves as the leader and look out for stubbornness in the dog. Be firm and confident, use snacks as treats during training. Teach the puppy socialization skills and obedience early.
A nutritious, high-quality dog food should be given to the Boxerdoodle. 1½ to 2½ cups of the meal will be sufficient. Fish and chicken would fulfill the protein needs of the dog.