Apartment Living

Good for 1st Time Owners

Tolerance Levels

Affection for Family

Kid Friendliness

Stranger Friendliness

Ease of Grooming

General Health


Prey Drive

Exercise Needs

Energy Level

Besides being great companion animals, Labradors have a stable character, making them excellent rescuers, therapists, and assistance dogs. This lovely dog is usually friendly with strangers. Being social, loyal, and easy to train makes them the 10th most intelligent dogs.

The Labrador retriever originated from the island of Newfoundland, Canada. They were initially called Saint John's dogs, after the capital city of Newfoundland. They worked as companions and helpers to the local anglers in the 1700s, which involved retrieving fish from the waters that escaped hooks.

Temperament and Personality

Labradors are energetic and playful due to their identity as sporting and hunting dogs. They are essentially a lively breed and thrive on activity. Their hyperactivity grows at 5-6 months of age as they are curious and excited about everything.

The high energy of Labradors makes them very friendly with humans, other dogs, and pets. They are outgoing, ready to try new things, and eager to please their owners. It is safe to allow kids or even strangers around Labradors as they are always happy to meet a new human.

When trained properly, they maintain their friendly temperament and are sociable creatures. They connect to humans instantly and are generally cheerful.



Labradors need intense activity to drain their energy levels, such as hiking, swimming, or joining bike rides. They are going to need this level of exercise daily. Try to ensure your dog does 20 minutes of aerobic exercise on most days. Variety is good, so if you spend an hour pounding the pavement one day, try playing games together in the backyard the next day.

Grooming: How to get a Labrador's coat soft and shiny?

To get your Labrador's coat soft and shiny, he must go through the proper grooming process. This involves many steps, including brushing, bathing, and even the excellent shampoo you will have to use to keep him shiny and soft.


Labradors have a double coat that is water repellent, and even though their hair is short, they do shed regularly. Ideally, the brushes you want to keep on hand for Labradors are the slicker brush, furminator, and a rubber comb.

When brushing your lab, make sure to run the brush in both directions against the hair growth. Make sure to brush back down in the order it grows once you finish.


When it comes to bathing, labs can be easy keepers, maybe. Although some don't like baths, others love playing with water whenever they see it.

Shampoo needs

For shampoo needs, a Labrador should always be washed with a high-quality natural shampoo specifically for dogs. Never use human shampoo on a dog of any breed because it is not chemically formulated for its skin.

Health Problems

Labradors tend to develop hip dysplasia. So, you can choose to have them tested before four months of age to see their genetic disposition and prevent it when they are still puppies. It is widespread for them to get an ear infection, so you should be very aware of this area.

Regular cleaning of his ears area is crucial. A good dose of affection and patience, a bit of activity, the proper diet, good companionship, and attention to their weak points are the ideal recipe for them to feel radiant, healthy, and happy.

  1. Have high expectations - Your Labrador is capable of much more than you think it can. Expect that through the training process, your dog will "stay" when you ask them to or "come" when you call them to.
  2. Good management- Not being able to manage your dog in your busy household gives them so many opportunities to do their own thing and make mistakes, where you can't be there to provide them with the information.
  3. Teach your OUT command early- One of the secrets about the out command is doing things like an engaging game of tug. They learn about outstanding leadership because you are controlling the game.
  4. Reward timing is crucial- A critical mistake that many Labrador owners make is introducing the food before the word or command. The formula should always be " cue- < UNK> stimulus- < UNK> reward. When introducing the food to your dog, the formula should always be "cue -> stimulus -> reward." Cue is the word; the stimulus is the introduction of the food, lure into whatever the position is, and then reward.


Labradors are prone to obesity if not fed the required type or the required amount of food and may cause health issues like heart diseases. So, what to feed a Labrador?

There are so many types of food to feed your puppy, but the most recommended is high-quality grain-free food.

For the matured Labrador, it is recommended twice a day. One meal in the morning and the other in the evening. To burn the excess calories, make sure your lab is active.

For Labradors under three months, it is to be four times a day is very sensitive so they can digest without any issues.


How to train your Labrador to be a good watchdog?

To make it clear, it's essential to differentiate a watchdog from a guard dog. A watchdog is likely to sound an alarm whenever he spots an intruder or danger, and not more than that. There may be cases in which the lab may try to attack, but they may take you friendly once you give them a treat. On the other side, a guard dog will not only sound an alarm, but he can also go on an attack.

Labradors are incapable of attacking someone as they are vocal and can communicate well by barking. So, after so much research, there's no proper training for your home Labrador to become a watchdog, as they are intelligent enough to differentiate between friendly people and threats.

Can you crate train a Labrador?

The answer is yes. You can crate train a Labrador:

  1. You just need to create or adopt a command word for your dog. This command word could be "crate," depending on your choice.
  1. Introduce the crate to your dog holding a treat (food), and put it inside the crate. When the lab follows the trick by entering the crate, say the command word you have adopted and praise him.
  1. Feed the puppy inside the crate. Remember, always use the command word in step 1. When the Labrador feels comfortable inside the crate, close the door slowly and open it when he's done with the treat.
  2. After some time, keep the crate's door open while the lab eats. You may also stay out of sight for 15-30 seconds to ensure the dog is still inside the crate.

Don't skip any step until the lab shows no hesitation following your commands.

What color Labrador is the easiest to train?

If you have no experience with Labradors, the black Labradors will be much easier to train.

Is it easy to train a Labrador?

Yes, it is. Due to their ability to socialize and intelligence, Labradors retrievers are easy to train. 

Reasons Why Labradors Might Stop Eating?

The most common reasons a dog loses his appetite are infections and diseases. The symptoms are:

  • The inability to finish his meal.
  • The denial of his favorite treat
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy

Whenever you see this happening, you might need to meet the vet.

Do Labradors eat a lot?

It seems as if they are never complete, but why is that? - why are Labradors always hungry?

It is not because you are not giving them enough food. Most of the time, according to studies, a specific gene mutation may be why some labs may not feel complete. 1 in 4 labs is incapable of feeling full, and this only happens in Labradors and flat coat retrievers. For such dogs, a strict diet and regular exercise are a must.

Do Labradors Bark?

Just like humans use their mouths to communicate, dogs use their mouths to communicate by barking. Labradors retrievers like any other dog, bark. But they do not bark a lot unless they are facing an odd situation or they are out of their normal environment.

Reasons Why Do Labs Bark

  • Barking for attention: Labradors are very emotional dogs and they might feel alone when they are ignored. Therefore, they will bark as a response to being ignored or left alone. They are attention seekers and there is nothing wrong with it.
  • Barking for food/water: Labradors can express hunger through barking. Physically, they will appear to be less energetic, straight tale and ears down.
  • Barking towards an odd situation: Labs are the best candidates to be watchdogs. They will bark at anything they feel is a threat to them or to people they are well attached to. They may bark at dogs they are not socialized with, with the intention of intimidating them.
  • Barking for excitement: Dogs usually gets excited when you are about to take them outdoors for a walk, or when you come back home after some hours or days out.

Labradors barely bark at night, but there will be cases they will do it not because they have detected an intruder but simply a squirrel, that’s their guard dog nature. Labs will also react to pain by barking. In case of excessive or unnatural barking, take them to vets.

Do Labradors Like To Swim?

Well, if you look up to its origins, it’s obvious that these dogs love swimming. They were originally bred to be great companions for fishermen and hunters. Initially, they were used for helping get back to the boat, fish that escaped the net, and nowadays they are used mostly to retrieve waterfowl.

Although most Labradors love swimming, some labs get scared when they are around water, it’s a bit strange when you’re facing this situation. That’s why it is very important to teach your labs to love water while they are still puppies.

Why doesn’t My Labrador Like Water?

Generally, Labradors get excited whenever they see water, if that’s not your labs’ case the reasons can be:

Your Labrador’s type

It's not an official statement, but there are two different types of Labradors. The American Labrador and the English Labrador. The American Labrador is more like a working dog, they are slimmer, more excited, intelligent, and more athletic.

The English Labrador is more easy-going and less complex compared to the American Labrador, typically a show dog. But both are still high-energy dogs.

Fear or bad experience

They can develop an anxiety disorder after facing a traumatic situation with water. Even if it’s a situation that happened while they were still puppies, it can affect their adult life as well.

Something new

Labradors tend to avoid when they were not properly introduced to water, because they might think it’s something harmful to them.

Do Labs Catch Cold In Winters?

The place where they were initially found, Newfoundland, Canada, has an average of -1°C daily temperature in winters, and 16°C daily temperature in summers. Even in cold weather Labradors were still capable of helping fishermen to get back to the boat fish that escaped the net, and help hunters at retrieving waterfowl.

Although Labradors can handle cold weather, that doesn’t mean they are completely immune to it. As owners, you should avoid exposing Labradors to extremely cold weather for a long time as it can be harmful to labs’ health.

Therefore, Labradors can’t catch a cold unless they are over-exposed to extreme cold temperatures below -6°C. When they are over-exposed to temperatures below -6°C, apart from feeling cold, it can also cause a drop in the dog’s body temperature and may result in “hypothermia”.

How To Keep Labs Warm In Winter?

  • Keep your labs indoors
  • Avoid unnecessary outdoors walking
  • Find a good place your dog can shelter on
  • Get them thick blankets
  • Make sure your dog doesn’t de-hydrate
  • Your labs will need regular brushing
  • Get them proper nutrition

Most owners ignore, and some are not aware that Labradors also need special care in the winter season. Hypothermia is a dangerous matter for labs. Always make sure your labs are warm and comfortable enough during extremely cold weather.

Should Labradors Chase Balls?

Bred to hunt and retrieve, they would play fetch games which mostly consist of chasing balls, all day long, as they have endless energy.

Labradors should chase balls, as long as you set limits for it. Once they are old, the chances of getting hip dysplasia are too high, but this can also occur in puppies and adult Labradors. That’s why it is very important to limit your labs from chasing balls as they put way too much effort when catching the balls and that can hurt their joints.

Although chasing balls brings plenty of benefits for labs, putting too much effort into their legs can lead to micro-fractures when it is done constantly. This doesn’t mean you should stop playing fetch games with your labs but nor more than 15 to 30 minutes a day. When playing indoors, roll the ball instead of throwing them, to keep the labs’ feet on the ground instead of jumping or slamming against the ground.

Apart from joint problems, another downside of chasing balls is the kind of ball you will use, most people use tennis balls. Dog loves chewing through everything and if you are not aware they may chew the ball by parts, which is very unhealthy and may cause serious problems when they ingest them. A dog’s chewable toy could be a better choice than a tennis ball.

There are other exercises they could do to keep them entertained; you should not focus only on playing fetch games. Doggy treadmills, running, and tug-of-war games are also worth it as fetch games are.

How Often Should You Bathe A Lab?

It is recommended that you should bathe a lab once or twice a month. Bathing a lab more than that may cause them to lose the vital oil underneath their hairy coat, which is fundamental for the growth of their fur. Do not make use of harsh products on your Labrador, use only recommended dog shampoo or even baby shampoos. The double-coat feature on Labradors can repel dirt and smells, that’s why a bath once or twice a month is fine.

How Often Should You Bathe A Labrador Puppy?

A Labrador puppy should not be given any bath until they are 3-month-old. In fact, for all dog breeds, puppies should only get a bath once they are 3 months old. So, what to do in case your puppy gets dirty?

There are pet tissues you could use to remove the dirt on them, you can find them at any pet store close to you. Add a bit of dry shampoo to the pet tissue and rub the puppy. Don’t rub the puppy’s face completely, to protect their ears and eyes from entering shampoo.

The Best Place To Bath A Labrador

Find the best place or easy access in and out for the dog. This could be a bathtub in which the Labrador can easily jump, or if the weather looks nice, you could bathe them outside around the yard. If you don’t have time for your dog, you could always take them to dog bath facilities such as grooming centers.

Why Feeding Routines Matter?

Labrador retrievers can eat a lot, they are like monsters when it comes to feeding time, some are capable of pounding a cup of dog food in less than 15 seconds. They think they are always hungry even if you gave them a good amount of food, that’s one of the reasons these dogs can easily gain weight. Feeding routine matters to prevent excessive weight gain and diseases. 

A healthy Labrador should weigh around 55 to 80 kilograms, when he’s above 100kg he has become an overweight dog. As owners, you should be on top of not only what you feed your dog, but how much you feed your dog, monitoring your labs’ eating habits is crucial as it helps to prevent bloating and obesity.

Obesity in Labradors may cause them to be vulnerable to diseases such as heart problems, joint inflammations, and respiratory problems, basically, it reduces resistance against disease in general.

Feed your puppies four times a day when they are under 3 months old, and 3 times a day when they are 4 months old or above. For adult Labradors, two meals a day is enough, one in the morning and the other in the evening. The quantity of the food you feed them should vary according to manufacturer recommendations on that food.

Tips To Avoid Obesity On Labradors

  • Diet control: Always feed your labs according to manufacturer recommendations. In case you are planning to add any food into a combination, ask the vet for suggestions.
  • Self-control: Train your dog to be calm around food. Labradors tend to be too excited when they see food, as a consequence, they will ingest the food rapidly without even chewing them.
  • Daily exercises: Regular exercises are important to burn some calories. Labradors are very energetic dogs, they are always ready for bike rides, give-and-take or, fetch games.
How Much Should Labrador Retriever Eat?

The amount of food depends on their age, brand, and type of food you will be giving them. Every dog food manufacturer has its recommendations on how much food your lab will eat per day.

Labradors retrievers can eat a lot of food, and there will be times you feel like you are not giving them enough food as they are constantly hungry. These dogs can rapidly overweight when their diet is not balanced or controlled.

For adults Labradors, 2 meals a day is enough, and for Labradors puppies, 3 meals a day is enough.

General recommendations from Eukanuba dog food manufacturer, for adults (with Lamb And Rice Formula Dog Food):

Labrador’s weight

Grams per day

18kg – 20 kg

205g – 230g

22kg – 24 kg

240g – 265g

27kg – 29 kg

270g – 300g

31kg – 34 kg

300g – 335g

36kg – 38 kg

330g – 365g

40kg – 43 kg

355g – 395g

General recommendations from Mars Petcare dog food manufacturer, for Labradors puppies (IAMS Proactive Health Smart Puppy Large Breed Dogs (<2 Years) Dry Dog Food, Chicken, 3 kg Pack”):

Labrador puppy KG

Grams per day

Under or 5kg

15g – 120g

5kg – 15kg

50g – 285g

15kg – 35kg

115g – 535g

35kg – 60kg

185g – 815g

What Is The Best Food For Labradors?

Just like humans, the best food for a Labrador is the food that keeps them healthy from the inside out, the food which boosts their energy levels at a fair price.

How Often Should You Feed a Lab?

Feeding quantity to a lab depends on its age, type of food, or brand. Labradors can eat a lot, sometimes you may feel it is never enough the amount of food you feed them.

Labrador puppies

You must feed the lab puppies according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Usually, puppies under 3 months must be fed 4 times a day, and 3 times for 6-month-old labs. You must pay attention to how their body develops. Labrador puppies should not be fat or very thin, they must maintain a balanced diet.

What To Feed Labrador Puppies?

When it comes to what to feed Labradors puppies, wet complete puppy food is the best option. Wet complete puppy food as the same says, means there should not be added food combinations, as all nutrients needed by the puppy is included in that one food.

Adult Labradors

As mentioned before, the dog must be fed according to the guidelines of the manufacturer. Mature labs must be fed two times a day, one in the morning and the other meal in the evening. Labradors can easily become overweight when their diet is not controlled, and as consequence, they are vulnerable to heart diseases.

What To Feed Adult Labradors?

When it comes to feeding adult Labrador, highly nutritious ingredients with high protein are the best option for strengthening their muscles.

You can check out some options here.

Which Color Labrador Is The Best?

The most common Labrador’s coat colors are black, chocolate and yellow. Over the years, black labs have been used mostly for hunting, chocolate labs are well suited for home dogs, and yellow labs are used mostly as guide dogs. The Labrador’s coat color doesn’t change its personality and it’s up to you what color is suitable according to your needs.

  • Black Labradors are agile and tough; therefore, they are the most preferred for hunting, and they make great home pets too.
  • Chocolate Labradors are the results of what is called Backyard breeding. Improper breeding caused them to be less intelligent and less trainable compared to others. They became famous due to their beautiful color and have great personalities making them great home pets.
  • Yellow Labradors are said to be the healthiest Labradors, and it’s believed that they are the least prone to breed-related diseases compared to other Labradors. They are very photogenic and most used for service dogs.

The best color should be based on your preferences, they can all make great family dogs due to their friendly temperament and great personalities.

Ways To Preserve Your Labrador's Coat Color
  • Bathe your dogs as little as possible, and use recommended shampoos only.
  • Mind your dog’s diet. Adding Supplements such as Omega-3 fatty acids in their, food helps them to get a clean and shiny coat.
  • Regular brushing is essential for the distribution of their natural oil, evenly.
  • Don’t let them be exposed to sunlight too often.
Do Labradors Point?

Labradors are not known for their pointing ability, as they were bred to be retrievers rather than pointers. However, with proper training, they can be taught to point at birds or other game. This is not a natural behavior for them, so it may take some time and effort to train them to do it.

Labrador’s Lifespan- How Long to Labs Live?

On average, Labradors live for about 10-12 years. However, their lifespan can vary depending on a number of factors, such as their overall health, diet, and lifestyle. Some Labradors may live longer or shorter lives than the average.

How Much Exercise Do Labs Need?

Labrador retrievers are a highly energetic breed of dog that require a significant amount of exercise to stay healthy and happy. As a general rule, Labs should get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, though more is always better. This can be in the form of walks, runs, or play sessions with toys. It's important to note that the type and intensity of exercise should be appropriate for the age and health of the individual dog. For example, a young, healthy Lab will be able to handle more strenuous exercise than an older dog or one that is dealing with health issues.


In addition to daily exercise, Labs also benefit from having a regular routine of physical activity. This can include regular walks or runs, trips to the dog park, or sessions of fetch or other games. By establishing a routine, you can ensure that your Lab is getting the regular physical activity that they need to stay healthy and happy.

One of the key benefits of regular exercise for Labs is that it can help to prevent obesity. Labs are prone to weight gain, and obesity can lead to a range of health problems, including joint issues, heart disease, and diabetes. By ensuring that your Lab gets enough exercise, you can help to keep their weight under control and prevent these problems from developing.

Exercise is also important for Labradors because it helps to keep their minds active and engaged. Like all dogs, Labs are intelligent and curious animals, and they need mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Regular exercise provides this stimulation, as it encourages them to explore and interact with their environment. This can help to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors that can arise when a dog is not getting enough mental stimulation.

Labradors Videos

Labradors Facts


Breed Type:


Other Names:

Lab, Labrador Retriever, English Labrador, American Labrador

Height & Weight:

Male: 56 to 57 cm (22 to 22.5 in), Female: 54 to 56 cm (21.5 to 22 in) Male: 29 to 36 kg (65 to 80 lb) Female: 25 to 32 kg (55 to 70 lb)


Black, Chocolate, Golden & Yellow

Competitive Registration / Qualification Information:

The Kennel Club (UK), FCI


Moderate Shedding



Average Litter Size:

5-10 Pups


10-12 years


Short, dense, weather-resistant double coat


$800 to $1500


United Kingdom,[Europe]

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