Pomeranian sheltie mix, Shetland sheepdog pomeranian mix
Short to average & 5-40 pounds
Black, cream, brown, white, red
12-16 years
Long, straight
United States of America,[North America]
I have a young 2 1/2yr old Poshie. Since puppy age she has been very easy to train, smart, loyal, and barks excessively when in "watchdog" mode. She walks close to me, sometimes getting stepped on. She sheds moderately twice a year, Feb and July. I guess because she was born in February. She is extremely alert. I'm disabled and she seems to know when my pain level is high because she sits at my feet or lay extra close besides me until I'm better. I love this about her. She is great with kids, loves to play fetch and chase. She gets plenty of exercise. She hides from us when she is tired. lol I would recommend this breed to everyone. We just love her so much! During bad weather or fireworks season, I suggest getting a Thundershirt because this shirt wraps your dog so that they feel like you're holding them. Poshie's are sensitive to loud noises and sounds. I took a picture of Kona and her eyes were like red-eye, but each were a different color. One was gold and the other was red. She's
I have a Toy Shelti/Pom mix and he is absolutely gorgeous. I am feeding him Royal Canin dog food and he is doing well. However, he is different from my PekaPom which I had for 14 years and had to put down last year. This one is so laid-back and seems to need very little exercise. He mostly wants to be with me, preferable beside me at all times. Very good, obedient, and barks only ocdasionally. Is this typical for the breed?
As mentioned this dog needs regular exercise on a daily basis. At least an hour�s walk is what we would recommend. However, your dog seems to be a bit lazier than average Poshie�s � Its good to note that he is obedient and barks occasionally, however keep a track of his activities on a regular basis and ensure you are giving him enough opportunities to stretch and exercise.