Fecal Impaction In Dogs

An overview of Fecal Impaction

Our furry friends at times can have difficulty in passing the stools, because of absent or infrequent bowel movement. This is one of the most prevalent conditions in dogs and is listed as one of the highest issues when it comes to digestion disorders in canines. Commons sights will be hard and dry stools, and your canine companion may strain to defecate. Mucous coated stools are also a common sight.

So what causes fecal impaction in dogs?

There are some general causes, which can act as a catalyst to create issues like these.

1.Extremities like, it may happen that the dog is getting less or more fiber in its diet.

2.Like us, our furry friends can also become a victim of a sedentary lifestyle, and restrict itself from exercising. Or it may happen that the owner isn't much aware of the benefits of exercise or the consequences of under exercising in dogs. In that case, the dog may develop abnormalities in the bowel.

3.The dog’s anal sacs can have blockages, which will undoubtedly work against the proper passing of the stools.

4.The prostate gland can have a sudden enlargement.

5.Excessive self-grooming can create a blockage in the natural flushing of the excreta.

6.Accumulation of hair on the anus of the dog due to lack of maintenance or excessive grooming, or sudden obesity.

7.The dog accidentally can get things like the toys, gravels, dirt, etc. can create a blockage in the intestinal tract.

8.Severe things like tumors or masses can create a blockage in the rectum, of the animal.

9.The pet can have side effects out of medications.

10.Pelvic traumas.

11.Natural orthopedic issues which can create problems when the dog passes feces.

12.Disorders of the neurons.

13.Dehydration which can result in the dog lacking water.

So how to check and pinpoint the signs?

If the dog does not pass out stools accurately, or if cries frequently without reason, it’s a waking call for the owner. Consult the vet immediately. These signs can copy signs that of the urinary tract issues, so be very careful and ask the vet.

Which breeds are prone to the condition?

Just like us, dogs especially the older ones are prone to infrequent bowel movements. But this condition can also occur in dogs who suffer from the signs mentioned above frequently.


The causes of fecal impaction depend on a variety of reason(s). There are several available options in the market to treat the affected dog. The most important thing is a thorough diagnosis. Then comes proper treatment from an experienced vet. Search the net and zero on an efficient vet. Some of the most recommended treatment are:

A stool softener which will soften the stool

Pills to make the intestine more contactable

Adding fiber to the dog’s diet and a medicine called the Metamucil

An escalation in the exercise

An enema prescribed a vet


A majority of infections develops due to ingestion of foreign particles. So the owner has to discourage the dog from anything and everything from the outside sources. Large toy particles especially can get into the gastrointestinal tract of the dog. It’s the responsibility of the owner and the entire family to look into these small things to prevent a significant issue in the future. As a general gesture, take a visit to the vet once in a while. We hope that everyone hears our words and have the company of his or her furry friend for a prolonged period.

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