Folliculitis In Dogs

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Clinically called Folliculitis, this is a condition of the hair follicles. Vet medicine discusses the condition as bacterial folliculitis. The infection will develop when the hair follicles react with the bacteria. Vets consider this infection as one of the most widely known skins infection in dogs. The bacteria, we are discussing, naturally resides on the skin of your canine companion. Bacterial folliculitis develops when healthy hair follicles surrender to an underlying systematic disease. Or a localized trauma or an uninvited minor skin allergy.

Disorders that typically leads to bacterial folliculitis include Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, some other immune diseases. Skin conditions that can lead to bacterial folliculitis are acral lick granuloma, canine acne, interdigital pododermatitis or cysts, pyutraumatic folliculitis, idiopathic folliculitis, callus dermatitis, are some of the conditions that can pave the way for bacterial folliculitis. Fungal infection and parasitism are also among the few causes of folliculitis.

Types of Folliculitis

Mild Folliculitis

Sometimes the owner can notice small pustules growing on the skin of the pet, and hair shaft building in the area. The occurrence of rings in the color of red is widespread.

Severe Folliculitis

Sometimes large boil-like pustules can be seen on the surface of the skin. Discharges are very common in such a condition.


The cause(s) can be anything, but the aftereffect of the condition is the same. Pimples, redness, itching, swelling, and yes, hair loss are among the most common signs to identify the condition.

1.Reddish blisters on the surface

2.Sudden escalation in melanin which will blacken the skin

3.Hair loss in circular shapes with scaling and crusting on the border areas

4.Erosion of hair on the surface

5.Tracts that naturally drain

6.The affected area can have minor or massive pain


The diagnosis of this kind of condition is generally done visually. The process of diagnosis will involve multiple tests and exams.

The scrapping of the skin

Cytology of the skin

Something called a culture of the bacteria

A test called the wood’s lamp to detect fungal infection

Culture of the bacteria and sensitivity of the skin

Histopathology with biopsy of the skin

So which breeds are the most affected?

According to experts, each and every breeds are prone to the condition.


Treatments will have a three-way approach. Namely the systematic therapy, topical therapy, and treating the underlying causes. Drug to work against the microbes will undoubtedly pave the way for further medical intervention. Topical therapy will employ things like an antimicrobial shampoo. Systematic therapy will take the help of oral medications. In some cases, the vet may also continue both the kind of treatments in the long run. So in that case, treatment can go from two weeks to twelve weeks. The treatment of the underlying causes will highly depend on uprooting the causes first.


One has to think and pinpoint the underlying causes which can affect the dog, then deal with them. If the pet is suffering from a flea allergy, then the most viable option will be to avoid these creatures in the future, to avoid severe consequences.

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