Food Allergies In Dogs

Just like their human counterparts, dogs are also prone to allergies. They can show allergic symptoms when their immune symptoms begin to recognize certain allergens as dangerous to the dog’s health. Most of the allergens are common to the environment, but if a dog with high allergic inclination gets in contact with these harmful allergens, it will exhibit adverse reactions to them. Other than food allergies, some other most common environmental allergens are pollens, dust mites, animal danders, and mild pores.

  • Food allergies and Food Intolerance, both are a different concept. Food intolerance results from poor digestion. Canines with Food intolerance have a deficiency of lactase.
  • They are the response against some form of an alien invasion in the dog's internal systems. A well-known food allergen, the protein is there in most of the dog food. It's a popular notion that beef, chickens are a major source of proteins,  but the fact is proteins are also present in vegetables and wheat.

Food Allergies In Dogs

Occurrence of Food Allergies

The intestinal tract prevents the absorbs the protein as whole with the help of the mucosal barrier. It is the most influential aspect of the body at its gastrointestinal state. The barrier of mucous comprises both the structural and  components of the immune system. The structural elements help to stops the absorption of massive proteins. The immune system components contribute to recognizing the possible threat comprises of the gastrointestinal tract. The health of the digestive tract heavily depends on the standard shape and usefulness of the enterocytes, digestion of the effective protein, and the presence of the dog’s immune cells (called IgA cells) in the gastrointestinal tract.

What Prevents Food Allergies in Dogs?

IgA cells play an essential role in this and are secreted in the intestine. Some of the IgA attaches themselves to the lining of the intestine to prevent the whole protein from interacting with the enterocytes and makes the entire protein bounce back into the intestine for more digestion.

Different Causes Of Food Allergies


Experts consider Proteins as one of the most common forms of allergens. If the owner is feeding the dog a single type of food for years, the dog may develop allergic tendencies against that food. Beef is one such food which is rich in proteins and is one the main ingredient in pet foods. To reduce the risks of developing any allergies from beef, the owner should give it to the dog only once or twice a week.


Digesting lactose can be an issue with some dogs. Rather than being an allergic reaction, this is an intolerance issue. Lactose intolerance can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and even gas. It is hard to forecast that which dog will suffer from the problem of lactose intolerance. However, there is the difference between a dairy allergy and lactose intolerance. Dairy allergies have symptoms like skin itchiness, whereas lactose intolerance is always about digestion.


It's a myth that dogs are more commonly allergic to carbohydrate-rich foods especially grains. The fact is dogs are more allergic to the meat rather than grains. But some dogs can be allergic to grains such as wheat too. The owner should consult a Vet to check if the dog is at all allergic to grains, especially wheat.


An allergy to eggs means the dog’s immune system is reacting to the protein present in the egg. So, if a dog owner finds that his dog is egg allergic, then he should always sniff around and only buy dog foods without the egg content.


Nowadays many dog foods contain lamb meat, as lambs are considered a healthy option. But the tricky part is that dogs can also be allergic to lamb meat and rice. If the dog seems allergic, then the owner can switch over to sweet potato and venision.


Recent health studies reveal that some dogs having soy can trigger various health issues other than allergies. They include reproductive and growth problems, thyroid, and even liver diseases. According to experts, soy does more bad than good to the dog’s health.

Food Allergies

Food Allergies Prevention

A dog owner can do little to suppress food allergies from developing and even experts say that there is little to do when it comes to preventing dog allergies. The owner can instead promote the development of healthy barrier of mucous by making sure that the dogs are getting proper nutrition.

  • The owners should keep an eye on the issue of Gastroenteritis

    Some researchers specify that serious gastroenteritis, especially seen in young dogs or puppies, can lead to the adult dog developing food allergies. To prevent Gastroenteritis in dogs is very difficult. A dog tends to eat various kind of foods, such as grass, roots, berries, etc. which may be harmful, on the other hand, it can also have things like rotten foods or dead animal food, which can lead to Gastrointestinal issues in dogs. So the owner should keep a strict eye on the dog's diet.
    If Diarrhea persists beyond 72 hours, the owner should consult a Vet doctor immediately. Often dog owners try meeting their dog's diet needs at home but it will be a huge mistake and can lead to severe outcomes. Anything used to stop the Diarrhea can lead to critical things in the gut and can even cause severe illness.

  • To promote the effective digestion of the protein

    Blending and grinding the protein source before feeding the dog will be a good option. In dry kibble foods, the protein is already ground before being kibbled. The owner needs to choose dog foods with adequate sources of protein. A diet with one or two protein sources can be a boon in disguise if the dog gets affected by any allergies.

  • The Owner should select dog foods with exclusive sources of proteins

    Especially a meal having only one or two sources of protein will help in providing more choices in the future when the dog develops an allergy. If the owner feeds the dog a diet of poultry animals as its sole source of protein and later on finds that the dog generate an allergy against it, the owner can quickly find an alternative to it. According to some experts, it can be possible that food allergies in dogs  genetic roots, and in such the breeders should avoid breeding such dogs who suffer from food allergies.

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