Mounting and humping are common behaviors in canines, most of the pets show this type of behavior. They jerk off in various ways as they mount against other animals, objects, toys, beds and many more. Sometimes they merely lick themselves without climbing on them. Small pups lick and rise on their playmates, people and toys, it doesn’t mean they are jerking off, but merely showing playing or showing their love. However, experts say that this type of behavior is a practice for future sexual meets. As they become mature, they start to hump and mount on other dogs in sensual contexts. After these pets are mutilated, many of them continue to display this type of behavior because it has become their habit and also they have learned that it feels good.
Dogs are like peoples, they show stress or excitement in different ways. Hence, humping and mounting can be a result of exciting or stressful situations. Like, it may feel excited and aroused after meeting a new person or pet which can force them to mount on them, owner, any object. This behavior reveals their extreme mood situation.
Jerking off or masturbation is normal behavior for mutilated or intact pets. Both female and male mount on different objects, other dogs, and people. People don’t understand that this type of action is not only finite to male ones, but mutilated pets also exhibit activities like intact males. Jerk off and mounting behaviors which are sexually motivated are followed by a coy body language like licking, play bows, tail up, ears backward and many more.
Flirty behaviors including thrusting and mounting are widespread behaviors seen in canines. They usually don’t display such behaviors while playing if adequately trained. Under socialized or poorly trained dogs exhibit such behaviors like mounting their playmates while playing. Due to lack of training, they are unaware of how to play and get overexcite during a game.
Few mount other people and animals to show their power, or in other words to control or dominate. In such cases, they might not show an erection and unlikely to ejaculate, as this type of mounting is not from sexual behavior.
It can become an obsessive habit if it is doing out of stress. Excessiveness of this behavior can interrupt their normal functioning.
Different types of medical problems like urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, priapism(painful erections), skin allergies and many more other health problems can lead to mounting behavior. These problems can become dangerous if not treated properly and left behind a bad habit. These problems require medical attention more rather than the behavioral training. If it suffers from any of the above health problems, they are seen spending a maximum of their time chewing or licking their genital area. Hence, it is advisable if they displaying these behaviors excessively like mounting, eating or licking, rubbing body against things, then make a veterinarian visit immediately to seek out medical concerns.
It can be another reason for mounting, sometimes they find it a straightforward way to engage humans with themselves. Few are attention seekers, they might bark, display tricks and also mount on their owners lap just to become the center of attraction. Additionally, if they understand that their mounting behavior is accepted with laughter, encouragement, embracing, it will continue in future.
If the mounting behavior has become obsessive and it mounts on other people and objects, discourage its activity by pushing, making it forcibly sit, turning away or adopting a position which stops it from climbing. Additionally, if it is not mutilated, consider it is getting neutered. However, it does not control this action entirely but reduces its motivation to some extent. Likely, if one has a female pet try spaying her. Neutering or spaying also has other advantages like it prohibits birth of unwanted puppies, it also bars severe medical problems like testicular cancers and mammary. Hence, one should stay alert if their pet mounts other pets, they can suffer this health problem in future.
If it becomes a habit and this behavior results in irritation to skin, distracting it will solve the problem. Distract by tossing a toy, ask a command which it has mastered, offer a chewie, ask to perform tricks, previously learned necessary skills and many more as soon as it starts licking. One can also try to change its atmosphere by shifting it to another room or location.
As soon as it starts to mount on people, pets or objects use the distracting techniques discussed before. But if it has become an obsessive behavior and intervenes its regular life, one will need to seek help from the qualified professional. The veterinarian will verify minutely and will provide some medications to treat this behavior.
However, some pets can become aggressive if owners distract them or try to stop them from humping and mounting objects, people or pets. In that case, do not stop them and consult a qualified professional like CAAB (Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist) or an ACVB (a board-certified veterinary behaviorist). In case, one does not find any CAAB or ACVB, one can opt for CPDT (Certified Professional Dog Trainer). Make sure, to check if the professional has proper experience and whether it can treat aggression correctly or not.
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