They are benign fatty tissues settled in a thin capsule and are the most noncancerous form of growth of soft tissues in our canine pals. Any dog, be it of any breed, age or gender, can have the condition. Some can even have multiple lipomas.
Bumps or escalations generally develop just beneath the skin, and in places like the neck, upper legs, torso, or the underarms. The condition can also occur in any other parts of the body. If the dog has the condition beneath its skin, the owner can feel the bumps by touching them. They will appear to be soft and squishy.
Traditional vets have the opinion that there is no sex, breed, or age predisposition for the development of the condition. Any dog can have lipomas, young, old, obese, thin or neutered. Few consider that there is a link between the size and numbers of lipomas, the dog’s inability to metabolize fat, and the dog’s overall vitality.
Dogs with a slow metabolism make them prone to the condition. Few holistic vets believe that lipomas and other fatty tissue conditions are the signs of the patient’s inability to eliminate toxins out of the body. It involves the standard processes of the liver, intestines, and the kidneys.
Modern vet medicine suggests leaving diagnosed benign lipomas alone unless they start bothering the normal working of the dog’s daily life.
The vet will perform a fine needle aspirate to determine whether the mass is at all harmful to the dog or not. If the test confirms the absence of the condition, it should be noted in the dog’s body chart. The vet will then conduct frequent checkups in that area, to see if there’s swelling or bleeding around the area.
If the patient’s lipoma gets massive and interferes with the dog’s daily life, then it may need surgical intervention. Some lipomas grow in mostly covered areas like in the armpit, which can bother the dog’s gait. In some other cases, one or clusters of lipomas can grow on the sternum, that rubs whenever the dog lays on the carpet, which in turns triggers irritation.
Some lipomas stay in their same size throughout the dog’s entire life, and won't create an issue unless it starts affecting the dog’s healthy way of life. Surgically removing the lipomas can dramatically improve the dog’s way of life.
However, the infiltrative variant of the condition requires a more complicated way of treatment. This type of lipomas invade into the muscle tissue and fascia and makes the complete surgical intervention more complex to deal with. Vets are using the radiation therapy to treat the condition in dogs, and can be used alone or with the surgical procedure.
Avoiding the condition will include specific things like keeping good hygiene around the house. The owner will also have to make sure that the dog is having a high metabolism, lymphatic systems, and immune systems, and organs of detoxifications.
23 Aug 2022
22 Jun 2022
22 Jun 2022