Previcox for Dogs

A veterinary prescription-only NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), Previcox helps manage pain and inflammation resulting from osteoarthritis and other soft-tissue complications. Canine osteoarthritis can be very painful that might cause your dog to limp and discourage the animal from staying active due to joint stiffness and inflammation. You can offer Previcox chewable tablets to control postoperative pain and soft-tissue inflammation following orthopedic surgery.

The veterinarian may give Previcox to your dog before the surgical procedure as well as suggest you continue offering the drug for a week after the operation. Though Previcox cannot cure osteoarthritis it can help deal with the pain associated with the condition, and improve the dog’s mobility. You can expect your dog to get relief from pain and inflammation within a few days of administering this NSAID.

Previcox at a Glance

Brand Name


Generic Name


Drug Type

Cyclooxygenase-inhibiting class, non-narcotic NSAID

Recommended for


Is it FDA approved?



Only as prescription drug

Available form

227 mg, 57 mg chewable tablets

Is it Safe to Offer Previcox to Dogs?

Since FDA has permitted the use of Previcox in dogs, your vet might prescribe this veterinary medicine for relieving postoperative pain. Several studies have pinpointed that the medication can be administered safely to osteoarthritic dogs, and it remains effective even if offered for a long.

Action Mechanism of Previcox

The drug’s action starts within hours of offering the initial dose, slowly and steadily mitigating osteoarthritic pain and inflammation.  Previcox inhibits and slows down the functioning of COX-2, an enzyme that stimulates the generation of prostaglandins which cause pain, fever, and inflammation. On the other hand, the drug encourages the production of the COX-1 enzyme that helps protect the abdomen lining and promotes platelet production and kidney health.

How Much Previcox Should You Give to Your Dog?

Your vet is most likely to prescribe a dosage of 2.27mg/lb (or 5.0mg/kg) of Previcox to be administered once daily. The veterinarian might instruct you to offer the medication for at least 3 days at a stretch following surgery to alleviate postoperative pain. You can break the chewable tablet into two and offer it along with food for minimizing the chances of vomiting, nausea or diarrhea.

Give the medication strictly as per your vet’s recommendations and don’t stop or change the dosage without consulting the medical professional.

Common Side Effects

Like any other NSAID, Previcox administration leads to some side effects. Adverse or grave effects resulting from offering the medication can occur abruptly without warning, and in the worst possible situation, result in the dog’s death. Common side effects related to the drug have to do with the gastrointestinal tract including nausea, vomiting, and appetite loss.

In some circumstances, dogs might develop kidney and liver issues, especially if Previcox therapy is continued long-term. Keep your eye out for the following adverse effects which will point out that your pet is not responding to Previcox treatment:-

  • Emesis (vomiting)
  • Increased or decreased appetite
  • Inexplicable behavioral changes (like seizure, aggression, incoordination, hyperactivity or lethargy)
  • Changes in bowel movement
  • Drinking habit change
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the whites of eyes, skin, and gums)
  •  Unforeseen weight loss
  • Dermal changes (pruritis, scabs or skin redness)

If you notice any of the above side effects in your dog, you should discontinue the drug and report the problem immediately to your vet.

Contraindications for Previcox  

Previcox may interact with other NSAIDs such as carprofen, aspirin, meloxicam, tepoxalin or etodolac. This medication could also interact with certain corticosteroids such as prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone, and cortisone. So you should talk to your vet about your dog’s medical history, past medications, and any drug you intend to administer together with Previcox.

Also, discuss with the vet preexisting health problems (if any) so that the professional can decide whether to prescribe Previcox or not. The vet will not recommend the medication if your dog:-

  • Is lactating or pregnant
  • Is sensitive to NSAIDs
  • Weighs less than 12.5 lbs (5.6 kgs) or younger than 7 months
  • Is on diuretics

Disclaimer: The above content is based on multiple research articles referred to online. Global Dog Breeds intends to share information, but it's strictly advised to consult a veterinarian and seek advice before using any medications described. We believe each condition and dog is unique, and only after careful evaluation from a qualified professional should you be offering any medications to your pet.

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