Skin Allergies In Dogs

Many dog owners often complain about different kinds of skin allergies in dogs. Primarily crossbreeds from Shepherd dogs can suffer from some extreme form of skin allergies, that can progressively become worse. These allergies in dogs are more common than one might think. Fortunately, most of these issues are by far manageable and treatable. It's crucial to consult a Vetinerarian, the moment the owner senses that the dog may have been suffering from skin allergies.

Some Very Common Form Of Skin Allergies

Allergic Dermatitis

Some dogs are prone to allergic reactions to grooming products, environmental irritants, and some type of dog foods. Such kind of allergies may lead to scratching relentlessly, and a precise look of the skin will reveal that the dog is having skin rashes. Corticosteroids are a great option to get rid of itchy outbreaks, but the most viable option will be to identify and avoid those allergens.

Yeast Infections

If a dog continuously scratches its ears, or licks and chews its toes, the owner must visit a Vetinerarian for a checkup for yeast infections. The symptoms include itching, irritation, and discolored skin. The yeast generally affects the paws and ears. This kind of infection in most cases are curable by using some topical creams.


Impetigos are most common in small puppies often accompanied with pus-filled blisters that break and crust over. In most cases, they develop in the underbelly of the puppies. Impetigos can be treated with some topical medicines, and rarely become severe.


The condition of Seborrhea makes the dog’s skin become greasy and scaly. Well, most dogs with Seborrhea develop scaling as a complication of any other ailment such as hormonal imbalances. In such cases, it is imperative to treat the underlying causes so that the symptoms do not reoccur.


Ringworms occur when the dog gets infected by fungus. The name comes from the circular patches which develop after the dogs get affected by the fungus. Puppies less than a year are prone to suffer by this fungus. Various Antifungal treatments are available in the market to cure the issue.

Hot Spots

Also called Acute Moist Dermatitis, these are small areas, which appear as red and inflamed. Most common symptoms are skin irritation which can make the dog aggressive and aloof. Hot Spots are most commonly visible on the dog’s head, chest, hips and feel hot when touched. Hot spots can result from various causes such as infections, insect bites, or excessive chewing and licking. Treatments include treating the underlying causes.

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